Sunday, August 21, 2011

Belajar Trading Forex di Marketiva

A few months back, i was introduced to the forex market. One of my friend asked me to join in as a customer for just IDR 50million or USD 5,000. I do not have that much money to invest. People say, if you want to invest in forex or equity market, you need to make sure that the fund invested is a free fund. There is a big risk in investing in forex or equity market. "High Risk - High Return"
Planning to have a big breakthrough in my life, i start learning about it. In case someday I have money, I can invest. So, I tried to open an account for demo of the forex market and join Marketiva. In Marketiva, when first joining, you will get a Live Forex funds of USD 5 to trade with and Virtual Funds of USD 10,000 to start your learning (by doing - if you'd like to). Marketiva provide support for newbie in Bahasa or English and you have a group of people to discuss with.
People says this trading is gambling, and that my thought as well at the beginning. The trading is like a gambling, when you did not know what to do. when you only guessing whats going on. when you are not sure when to enter or get out from the market. Thats gambling in forex trading. But not if you have the technical skilll and or understands how the market behave.
So, i play the virtual funds and do like the gambling things above. I LOSS. the wrong way of trading. guessing, stupidly reading the trends. etc. So, I back to basic. learning whats going on in the market, observe and studying many literature available on the net.
Anyway, so use the live funds given by Marketiva for USD 5! and now its USD 43.26 (in one week time) after i start the new trading way :
1. Learn the trends, when to have momentum to enter the market combined with the news about world economy.
2. Follow world economy news ( "real time news"
3. Watch out for World Economic Calendar ( "Economic Calendar"
4. Pay attention to the calendar and get the updated news for alert, to decide whether to enter the market or not.
Learning the trends

Usually in any demo account (you can download from any trading company), you will be provided by some indicator to read your trends.

Indicators I used:
1. Momentum
2. RSI
3. Stochastic
4. Moving Average
These four indicators help you to see whether the trends is going up or going down. I combined these indicators with "candle stick" graph of the movement from M1 (minutes 1) to D1 (daily 1). Mostlikely, I used the H1 (trend for one hour time) and H4 (trend for 4 hours time).
In Marketiva, you can start your trading experience with a small money so you do not need to worry loosing big money if you failed. Thats why this is a good place to learn with real money. If you would like to join, feel free and join in Marketiva, i will try to help as much as i can on my YM
I will guide you step by step how to understand and start trading in Marketiva.

Learning the Forex Trading

A few months back, i was introduced to the forex market. One of my friend asked me to join in as a customer for just IDR 50million or USD 5,000. I do not have that much money to invest. People say, if you want to invest in forex or equity market, you need to make sure that the fund invested is a free fund. There is a big risk in investing in forex or equity market. "High Risk - High Return"

Planning to have a big breakthrough in my life, i start learning about it. In case someday I have money, I can invest. So, I tried to open an account for demo of the forex market and join Marketiva. In Marketiva, when first joining, you will get a Live Forex funds of USD 5 to trade with and Virtual Funds of USD 10,000 to start your learning (by doing - if you'd like to). Marketiva provide support for newbie in Bahasa or English and you have a group of people to discuss with.

People says this trading is gambling, and that my thought as well at the beginning. The trading is like a gambling, when you did not know what to do. when you only guessing whats going on. when you are not sure when to enter or get out from the market. Thats gambling in forex trading. But not if you have the technical skilll and or understands how the market behave.

So, i play the virtual funds and do like the gambling things above. I LOSS. the wrong way of trading. guessing, stupidly reading the trends. etc. So, I back to basic. learning whats going on in the market, observe and studying many literature available on the net.

Anyway, so use the live funds given by Marketiva for USD 5! and now its USD 43.26 (in one week time) after i start the new trading way :

1. Learn the trends, when to have momentum to enter the market combined with the news about world economy.

2. Follow world economy news ( "real time news"

3. Watch out for World Economic Calendar ( "Economic Calendar"

4. Pay attention to the calendar and get the updated news for alert, to decide whether to enter the market or not.

Learning the trends

Usually in any demo account (you can download from any trading company), you will be provided by some indicator to read your trends.

Indicators I used:

1. Momentum

2. RSI

3. Stochastic

4. Moving Average

These four indicators help you to see whether the trends is going up or going down. I combined these indicators with "candle stick" graph of the movement from M1 (minutes 1) to D1 (daily 1). Mostlikely, I used the H1 (trend for one hour time) and H4 (trend for 4 hours time).

In Marketiva, you can start your trading experience with a small money so you do not need to worry loosing big money if you failed. Thats why this is a good place to learn with real money. If you would like to join, feel free and join in Marketiva, i will try to help as much as i can on my YM

I will guide you step by step how to understand and start trading in Marketiva

Friday, December 25, 2009

Forex yang AMAN

85% orang investasi di forex GAGAL
HANYA 15% orang investasi di forex yang BERHASIL


Mengapa orang gagal di Forex dan banyak orang yg berinvestasi di forex kehilangan harta bendanya?


Fakta :


1. Orang tersebut tidak mengerti forex.

Paham adalah kuncinya, jadi tidak benar2 tergantung pada trader. Mengingat tidak semua trader juga paham cara bermain di forex dan banyak trader yang tidak JUJUR dan tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap uang klien.


2. Tradernya tidak jujur dan Tanggung Jawab.

Trader tidak jujur muncul karena system komisi yang trader dapatkan setiap kali mereka bermain forex. Saat mereka masuk ke pasar dengan membeli atau menjual per 1 lot, mereka mendapat komisi yang lumayan besar.


Bagi trader ini cukup buat mereka dan tidak memperdulikan uang klien profit atau loss. Kejujuran dan tanggung jawab trader kuncinya. Seberapa jujur mereka terhadap kepentingan klien dan tanggung jawab mereka terhadap uang klien.


3. Bermain dengan rakus dan ingin untung besar secara instant.

Kerakusan membuat seseorang kehilangan uang, karean mempertaruhkan equity atau modal yang mereka setorkan dgn resiko yang lebih besar. Sehingga manakala mengalami kerugian, ruginya pun akan langsung besar karena berharap untung besar secara ceapt.


Hal tersebut diatas yang membuat forex memiliki image jelek dimata masyarakat. BENAR bermain forex bisa kehilangan uang yang diinvestasikan karena hal tersebut diatas. Namun jika kita mengatur dengan baik dan mengambil resiko kecil serta disiplin dgn resiko investasi yang diinginkan, kehilangan uang modal tidak akan terjadi.


Siapa yang berhasil?

1. Orang yang MENGERTI tentang forex, DAN
2. Orang yang TIDAK RAKUS, DAN
3. Orang yang DISIPLIN




Definisi mengerti adalah :


a. Paham akan analisa teknikal mengenai forex, tahu kapan untuk masuk dan kapan untuk keluar.

b. Paham akan apa yang mempengaruhi pasar suatu mata uang dan harus mengetahui jadwal ekonomi suatu negara yg mata uangnya akan dipengaruhi oleh pengumuman suatu indikator ekonomi.


c. Paham bagaimana pasar bertingkah laku. Paham bahwa emosi akan sangat mempengaruhi saat pengambilan keputusan BELI atau JUAL.




Definisi Tidak Rakus:


a. Terkait definisi Mengerti poin c. Emosi akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap permainan forex.


b. TIDAK selalu menunggu untuk mendapat untung BESAR. Ambil untung secukupnya namun SERING.


c. JANGAN menyesali keputusan anda. Jika anda tutup permainan, namun untung yang anda dapatkan seharusnya LEBIH BESAR, JANGAN PERNAL SESALI dan main dengan normal dan sabar membaca pergerakan mata uang.




Definisi Disiplin:


a. Terkain definisi TIDAK RAKUS poin c. Dengan rasa menyesal, akan mempengaruhi Emosi anda sehingga anda tidak disiplin untuk hanya bermain AMAN dan hanya mengambil untung kecil tapi sering.


b. Disiplin membaca pergerakan pasar dan paham akan kondisi. Jangan panik saat anda loss diluar expektasi.


c. Disiplin membaca berita berita penting yg akan mempengaruhi pergerakan matauang.



Trader tidak dapat menjamin modal atau equity klien namun dapat bermain sesuai resiko yang diinginkan oleh si klien. Contoh, jika klien memiliki modal USD 10,000 (setara dengan 10lot) dan hanya ingin memiliki resiko 10%, maka si trader akan hanya memainkan sebesar 1 lot (10% dari 10 lot) dalam satu waktu, sehingga equity lebih terjamin aman dari kehilangan atau kerugian besar. kecuali saat si Trader memiliki keyakinan besar akan pergerakan suatu mata uang berdasarkan analisa teknikal yang dia lakukan, trader akan berani masuk lebih dari 1 lot (lebih dari resiko yang klien mau atau lebih dari 1 lot masuk pasar).


Untuk paham analisa teknikal juga tidaklah sulit, sudah banyak signal2 yang keakuratannya lumayan bagus. Ditambah kemampuan yang bisa dijelaskan oleh trader, maka anda akan mudah memperoleh profit dan untung. DISIPLIN, JANGAN RAKUS itu tetap kuncinya.


Bergabung bersama kami dengan bantuan total agar berhasil klik di Marketiva

BEST FOREX SIGNAL salah satu signal yang dapat anda pertimbangkan.


Semoga bermanfaat info diatas.., info lanjut hub kami thanks..


Coming soon


1. Bearish
2. Bullish
3. Locking
4. Buy
5. Sell
6. Take Profit
7. Stop Loss
8. Volatility

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Forex for Beginners

Abbreviation of "FOREX" stands for Foreign Exchange, an exchange of currencies. When a person comes to trade currencies, e.g. buy one currency and sell another one - it is called currency exchange trading, or simply known as Forex.
Because the value of each currency always on the move, it fluctuates depending on the local and global economic factors, there is always an opportunity to profit on those changes/fluctuations - it is called currency speculation.
Euro, US dollar, Swiss Frank, British Pound and Japanese Yen - these are the most traded currencies in Forex. Of course, trading is not limited to those currencies, Forex offers variety of currencies one can trade.
If to describe in simple words how individuals trade Forex it would look next way:
Forex trading in its prevailing volume is done online.
A person finds a Forex broker, opens a trading account with the broker and deposits money.
Forex broker provides to trader so called Forex trading platform - an application, a working environment, where trader buys and sells currencies, dealing online - in other words he speculates to make money on the difference of currency rates.
In Forex currencies are traded in pairs.
The first currency in the exchange pair is referred to as the base currency and the second as the quote currency.
For example, EUR/USD exchange rate = 1.400
Here the price of the Euro is expressed in US dollars: 1 euro = 1.400 dollars
The exchange rate tells to trader how much of the quote currency should be paid to obtain one unit of the base currency.
A Quick Overview of FOREX
FOREX is a spot market, where foreign currencies are traded - bought and sold for profit.
FOREX is a worldwide currency speculation arena with no centralized place for trading and exchange.
FOREX is a huge market with trillions dollars turnover a day and the largest investors - banks, hedge funds, investment companies and so on.
FOREX is open to individual retail investors - Forex traders - through the services of Forex brokerage companies that provide an access to the currency exchange market and take care of buying and selling orders of their clients.
FOREX is a 24 hour market that is traded every day all year round, except for holidays.
FOREX allows trading over 150 foreign currency pairs, among which the most traded are: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, USDCAD and GBPJPY.
FOREX trading is based on technical (price charts) and fundamental (news, economic events) analysis.
FOREX is an online stay-at-home type of business for individual investors.
FOREX is an attractive financial instrument, which can be mastered by any person with any kind of education and/or social status.
FOREX is a type of market which nowadays can also be traded by automated online expert advisors without any human intervention.
FOREX is an alternative type of investment, which unlike any other investment carries one of the largest financial risks.
FOREX is a trading arena, where in order to succeed a trader needs to learn the rules of the market, its trends, moves and behavior, and be able to apply the knowledge under real trading conditions.
FOREX is difficult to trade without a trading method - a trading strategy or system.
FOREX is a fast growing industry, and by directly dealing with money it also became a lucrative business to various scam dealers. Novice traders should be alert about any offers in Forex which sound too good to be true.
Finally, FOREX should never be associated with quick and easy money.
Be very careful, and be more patient be success in forex!!

Panduan bagi Pemula untuk bisa menghasilkan pendapatan rutin dari FOREX

Mungkin Anda sudah pernah mendengar FOREX, ya FOREX adalah perdagangan mata uang. Kita bisa memperoleh keuntungan dari selisih nilai antara dua mata uang. FOREX sangat populer belakangan ini, karena sifatnya bisa mendatangkan keuntungan yang luar biasa. Tetapi jika tidak disertai dengan pengetahuan yang memadai, atau ilmu yang mencukupi, FOREX bisa mendatangkan kerugian besar.


Berikut ini beberapa kelebihan bisnis FOREX :

1. Bisa dijalankan dimana saja dengan internet

2. Berjalan 5 hari dalam seminggu (senin-jumat)

3. Tidak memerlukan modal besar.

4. Tidak terpengaruh daya beli masyarakat

5. Tidak ada persaingan yang mengakibatkan berkurangnya pendapatan.

6. Anda bisa mendapat keuntungan yang tak terbatas.

dan masih banyak lagi...


Dengan berbagai kelebihan diatas, tentunya sangat menarik untuk mengetahui lebih jauh lagi dunia FOREX ini, bahkan kalau bisa, kita ikut serta didalamnya.


Mungkin sebagian orang merasa kesulitan untuk mempelajari sendiri FOREX, selain tidak semua orang mengetahuinya, ditambah lagi informasi-informasi yang beredar kebanyakan sepotong-sepotong dan membinggungkan.


Saya menulis hal ini untu merekomendasikan seorang trader terpercaya yang telah memiliki klien loyal dengan memberikan analisa dan rekomendasi terbaik bagi Anda memasuki pasar dan menikmati keuntungan berinvestasi di forex.


Info lanjut hubungi Yulisalfia

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Taking Survey

My Online income from AW Survey

click to enlarge and see my current income at USD 27

Paid to Search

Search Engine that give you cash

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Attached is earning summary from my account, small but will be bigger and bigger just by doing our normal search habbit on the net.

Happy surfing and searching...!

My searching income - click to enlarge :

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